FISH(Fluorescence in situ hybridization) 蛍光 in situ ハイブリダイゼーション 蛍光色素で標識したプローブを用いて標的DNAとハイブリダイゼーションを行い,特定の波長で発色させた蛍光部位を染色体上のシグナルとして蛍光顕微鏡下で検出する方法。 蛍光色素で標識したプローブと標的DNAを直接結合させる直接法と,標識物質で標識したプローブと標的DNAを結合させた後に,標識プローブと蛍光物質を結合させて発色させる間接法がある。
Submitting samples for tests of gastric cancer HER2 protein, IHC, and gastric cancer HER2 gene, FISH
These tests are performed to help determine the course of treatment for a case with definitive pathological diagnosis.
Please provide the pathological diagnosis and histological type in the pathology request form to put in your request.
In some cases, the presence/absence of cancer cells and histological type may not be clear; please provide a copy of a certificate of pathological diagnosis when putting in your request.
(It is not required if SRL has conducted the general pathology.)
If for some reasons you are unable to provide a copy of a certificate, please provide as many specifics as possible such as the pathological diagnosis (e.g. histological type) and clinical information in the pathology request form.
For a testing material, provide unstained specimen slides for gastric cancer (primary tumor or metastasis) (prepared using formalin-fixed paraffin blocks).
Use coated slides such as silanized slides, and leave thinly-sliced samples to dry overnight at about 40℃ before promptly submitting them.
In the case of baking for the purpose of preventing tissues from coming off, treat them in as short a time as possible (less than 1 hour), and avoid leaving the glass slides at high temperatures for any duration longer than that.
For reference, the testing guidelines developed by the Pathological committee for gastric cancer HER2 testing recommended that use of materials that have been fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin for 6 to 72 hours is preferable (depending on the size of specimens for biopsy samples with at least 6 hour fixation).
When requesting test of gastric cancer HER2 protein, IHC, thinly slice the tissue into 3 to 4 μm and apply it onto the slide at around the center, ≥ 15 mm from the frosted edge and ≥ 2 mm from the slide glass edge.
When requesting test of gastric cancer HER2 gene, FISH, thinly slice the tissue into 4 to 6 μm.
For a request made using paraffin blocks, the testing will take an extra day longer for the preparation of unstained specimen slides.
If gastric cancer HER2 protein, IHC, and gastric cancer HER2 gene, FISH are requested for with the same ID, the results for both will be reported once the gastric cancer HER2 gene, FISH, which takes longer, has been completed.