V30 (Previous container symbol W1) handling methods of samples
Conduct sampling which enables to collect abundant focal basal cells.
Early-stage vesicle is optimal as specimen. Vesicle fluid and pus are inappropriate as specimen.
Peel upper surface or crust with a sterile needle. (Figure 1)
Remove upper surface which covers the focal site with forceps etc. (Figure 2)
Moisten the cotton swab with physiological saline.
Wipe vigorously the entire basal area since cells infected with viruses exist in this area. (Figure 3)
Wipe out pus with a cotton swab if any, and collect specimen with other cotton swab.
While applying this procedure, make sure not to make a mess of basal cells.
Sample smearing
Smear sample on the two circles of the glass slide, rotating a cotton swab.
While this procedure, place the cotton swab paralleled to the glass slide to smear the entire area of the swab.
Pay attention not to smear disproportionately. (Figure 4)
Make sure to check the uniform distribution of the specimen before discarding a cotton swab.
Uniform distribution provides opaque view. If there is any transparent area,
smear on this area again with a cotton swab placed parallel.
Then apply air dry.
Add sufficient amount of acetone (enable to be distributed to the entire specimen) on the dried glass slide, then make it evaporated.
Submit two glass slides containing specimen.
Sample storing
The completely dried glass slides should be kept in an object case with the smeared surface down
and cryopreserved after writing down the test name, hospital name, and subject name.